Kurloo monitoring enables tracking of remediated slope in remote Victoria

Client: Veris Australia Location: Mount Bogong, Victoria, Australia Service: Slope stability monitoring Problem Mount Bogong is contained in the popular tourist region of the Alpine National Park in Victoria. In October 2022 a large active landslip was detected that affected the Bogong High Plains Road cutting a vital transport link between Melbourne and Falls Creek. …

Announcing an update to the Kurloo Nest!

Advancing displacement monitoring data delivery    Announcing an update to the Kurloo Nest! Our cloud platform processes daily displacement data from the Kurloo device in near-real time and presents it clearly and visually as one source of truth, straight to your device.    We are taking the Kurloo Nest experience to the next level! At …

Kurloo’s brilliantly simple solution

Transformational Australian-designed displacement monitoring technology that’s enabling new business opportunities for surveyors and engineers. Routine displacement and settlement monitoring measurements of critical infrastructure has required a surveyor to be physically present on-site or the use of sophisticated monitoring equipment. This presents a significant barrier to entry for many surveying and geotechnical engineering businesses wanting to …

Slope remediation shows why autonomous monitoring is essential

New technology means that governments and surveyors can leverage reliable and cost-effective continuous movement monitoring at more sites than ever before. In October 2022, a large active landslip at the Bogong High Plains Road cut off a vital transport link between Melbourne and Falls Creek, causing both community evacuations and negative economic implications for the …

Close up o a Kurloo Device

Kurloo spreads its wings into New Zealand!

Australian IoT GNSS pioneer Kurloo Technology has celebrated an important milestone in its global expansion with the appointment of Global Survey as their exclusive distribution partner in New Zealand. In 2022, Kurloo Technology launched this new displacement monitoring solution that has gained substantial interest and uptake from surveyors, engineers, and geotechnical professionals. The technology, accessible …

Rail Transport in Australia: New Tech Helping Solve Age-old Problems

Australia’s economy has largely arisen from a number of disparate industries: mining, tourism, cattle farming, construction, to name a few big players. But behind all of these industries, since the dawn of the 19th century, sits Australia’s railway network. Serving every sector of the economy in some fashion, whether as freight or passenger transport, railways …

Making Mining Safer, Smarter and Sustainable Using Data Solutions

Data helps to provide some of the valuable and transparent insights in mining and is often at the core of many decisions made on site. The importance of data is not lost on industry leaders, however finding new and holistic data driven solutions may be the next step to evolving in this digital age. Using …

The Future of Intelligent Unmanned Mining

Mining technology is experiencing an innovation boom as the industry is eager to address modern challenges surrounding sustainability, economic stability and operational efficiency. With the lucrative nature of the mining industry, the premium technology coming out of this period will certainly be the catalyst in modernising safety and operational improvements across many similar fields. This …

Managing Ageing Assets

Managing ageing assets in engineering is a critical aspect of keeping the integrity andefficiency of industrial operations. As legacy infrastructure ages, it may become increasinglyprone to risk and failures, which can result in costly downtime and repairs. To minimisethese risks, it is important to develop a comprehensive strategy for managing ageinginfrastructure assets. The issue faces …

Builders Were Told to Double-Check Construction Site Stability After Landslide

Earlier this year in August on a construction site in Canberra, hundreds of tonnes of earth, concrete and scaffolding collapsed into the excavation pit on site, prompting the ACT Government to ask all builders to ‘double-check’ their work.  Builders were told to be more proactive in their safety precautions and ensure regular site inspections, especially …